Our PRograms

Jobs 4 California Graduates (J4CG)

Helping Students Reach Their Goals

We understand the unique challenges and obstacles that young individuals may face in their academic pursuits, and our array of tailored initiatives aims to provide the necessary guidance and resources for success. Whether it's overcoming academic difficulties, navigating personal struggles, or seeking alternative pathways to achieve educational milestones, our programs are crafted to empower and uplift each participant, fostering a supportive environment conducive to growth and achievement.

At our core, we believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to attain their educational goals, regardless of their circumstances. Our programs offer a multifaceted approach, blending academic support with mentorship, life skills development, and personalized attention to address the diverse needs of our students. We are committed to equipping teens and young adults with the tools and confidence needed to excel academically and chart a successful path towards their future aspirations.

Multi-Year Program Application

The Multi-Year Intervention Program has become the most popular of the high school programs in hopes of keeping students in traditional high school through graduation.

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Out-of-School (OOS) Program

The Out-of-School (OOS) is designed to serve youth (ages 16-24) who have left the traditional school system and are interested in completing requirements for a high school diploma or attain a GED (verify availability with educational provider or school of attendance).

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Program Outcomes

Our programs have yielded tangible outcomes, empowering participants to achieve their educational goals and beyond. Here are some of the key results our programs have achieved:

  • Increased high school graduation rates among participants
  • Higher GED completion rates for those pursuing alternative pathways to education
  • Enhanced academic performance and confidence in participants
  • Improved life skills and readiness for future endeavors
  • Greater engagement and participation in educational and community activities

Through our comprehensive approach, we are proud to have made a significant impact on the lives of teens and young adults, equipping them with the skills, confidence, and resources needed to succeed academically and beyond.

Be a Difference Maker

Join us in our mission of helping young people stay in school and acquire the academic, personal, leadership and vocational skills they need to be successful upon graduation.
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