Congratulations to the Fantastic J4CG Team for Achieving this Remarkable Milestone

April 21, 2024

This year the National Career Development Conference (NCDC), organized by the JAG National, was in St. Louis, MO. The NCDC is the pinnacle experience for JAG youth around the country to demonstrate their employability skills, explore career options, connect with employers, and create pathways for their future as members of the JAG Career Association (JAGCA). Our J4CG Specialists and the J4CG students from our J4CG Programs, Alta Vista Innovation High School, Assurance Learning Academy, Mission Academy, and San Diego Workforce Innovation High School, attended the conference and participated in several competitive events.

The Competitive Events Program is as motivational as it is instructional, providing guidance and inspiration for students while setting high goals for achievement. The JAGCA Competitive Events are valuable tools to encourage members to improve their leadership and employability skills.

The goals of the JAG Career Association (JAGCA) competitive events are to allow JAG participants to:

  • Demonstrate leadership and employability skills developed through the J4CG Program
  • Understand the value of competition in a market-driven economy
  • Refine their skills before transitioning into the workplace
  • Receive recognition for outstanding individual and team performance and achievement
  • Build self-confidence through their participation

Congratulations to all our J4CG Specialists and our J4CG Participants! We are so proud to have such an amazing team. The J4CG Specialists’ passion and dedication to supporting our J4CG participants succeed have paved the way for this incredible achievement. Here is the list of the J4CG participants that won 1st , 2nd , or 3rd place during different competitive events at the national level:

1. Alta Vista Innovation High School (AVIHS) J4CG

  • J4CG Specialist: John Woodcock
  • J4CG Participants & Competitive Events:
    Emmanuel Palafox 2nd Place Prepared Speaking Competition
    Magdalena Robles 3rd Place Employability Skills Competition

2. Assurance Learning Academy (ALA)

  • J4CG Specialist: Erika Gonzalez
  • J4CG Participants & Competitive Events:
    Sariah Johnson 1st Place Employability Skills Competition
    Andrew Rivas 2nd Place Employability Skills Competition
    Jasmine Barnes 1st Place Prepared Speaking Competition
    Gustavo Alcaraz 2nd Place Career Preparation Competition

3. San Diego Workforce Innovation High School (SDWIHS)

  • J4CG Specialist: Michael Cruz
  • J4CG Participants & Competitive Events:
    Virginia Finlayson 1st Place Career Preparation Competition
    Gabrielle Brown 3rd Place Career Preparation Competition
    Keishawn Rander 1st Place Financial Literacy Competition

We would like to thank our Vice President, Craig Beswick, for his support and commitment and for making it possible for J4CG to have the very first California Career Development Conference (CA CDC) and giving our J4CG participants the opportunity to compete for the first time at the stat e level. We would also like to thank the Workforce Pathway Department of Labor for funding our J4CG Programs for the past three years which allowed us to participate in all the great events organized by the JAG National.

Our J4CG Specialist, Zenaida Alcantar, created an amazing video to capture the great moments our J4CG team, J4CG students , and chaperons had at the NCDC.

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Jobs 4 California Graduates (J4CG) is a state-based non-profit organization dedicated to keeping young people in school, who for a variety of reasons are at-risk for not graduating high school.

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